Thursday, April 14, 2011

Bishop Byron and his Bodyguards

Chris was recently called to be the new Bishop in our Ward. He called two awesome guys to serve as his counselors. It wasn't until the first Sunday when they were all sitting on the stand that I noticed how surprisingly small Chris looked in between them. Later I found out that I was not the only one who noticed. I had some friends over a few weeks ago and they started joking about buying Chris a booster seat and sticking it up on the stand as an Aprils fools joke.(Fortunately they never did). They had also mentioned that it looked like Chris had two Bodyguards sitting next to him. We had a good laugh about it but now every time I see the three together I can't help but laugh. His secretary is really tall too but I didn't get a picture of him.


The Frandsens said...

Haha, that's pretty funny...I hadn't thought of that before, but it is very fitting!

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