Sunday, May 9, 2010


Tyler and his friends going to the Freshman dance

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Trip to Langley, B.C.

We recently took a trip across the border to attend the open house of the Langley Temple which is located near Vancouver B.C. We took all of our kids along with Jordan's three non-member friends who were interested in seeing the inside of a Mormon temple. The temple was beautiful of course, the rain and wind however, not so much. You would think we would be used to the rain but it was even a bit much for us. We spent the night in Langley and did some shopping and eating. We discovered a really great donut shop called Tim Horton's and the mall had a lot of different and unique stores. I'm glad we were able to go and take all of the kids.

This is what the boys do to entertain themselves while the girls shop.